Bubble wrap is not only a useful packing material for fragile items — it’s also fun to pop. While packing and popping may be bubble wrap's most common uses, it’s actually an extremely versatile material with multiple uses. In fact, bubble wrap was originally invented as a textured wallpaper. Though you won't find it adorning walls today, here are eight unconventional ways you can use bubble wrap.

Insulate Windows
Bubble wrap is a great alternative to more expensive insulation options — and it’s reusable. The air trapped inside each bubble works as a barrier, helping keep warm air in and cold air out. Just cut a piece of bubble wrap to fit the window, lightly mist the glass with water, and press the bubble side against the window until it is firmly in place.

Protect Plants
Bubble wrap is a valuable tool for protecting plants from frost during colder months. Wrap your plants in a layer of sealed bubble wrap, making sure that the plastic doesn’t come into contact with the plant itself by using an easily-made frame. After the cold front passes and temperatures begin to rise, remove the bubble wrap as soon as possible — keeping plants wrapped for too long may suffocate them.

Keep Food Cool
If you don’t have an ice pack or refrigerated bag handy, bubble wrap can help keep food fresh. A little bubble wrap goes a long way toward insulating food, making it a great method for keeping meals cold until they’re ready to eat. Best of all, bubble wrap can be reused as long as it doesn’t come into contact with any food residue.

Curl Your Hair
Bubble wrap is an inexpensive and useful alternative to a curling iron. First, take a sheet of bubble wrap and roll it to your preferred size of curl. Then, roll and secure your hair around the roll. After a few hours, remove the bubble wrap for amazing curls.

Line Fridge Shelves
Adding a layer of bubble wrap to refrigerator shelves makes cleanup a breeze. Cut the bubble wrap to fit your shelf Then, place the sheet firmly on the shelf, bubble side down. Now you can simply replace the bubble wrap rather than washing down the shelf.

Create Art
Bubble wrap is a cool way to produce interesting geometric designs. Paint the bubble side of the wrap and press it onto a piece of paper for a neat pattern of repeating circles.

Cushion Your Knees
Whether you’re gardening or doing work around the house, putting weight on your knees for long periods of time can be painful. While knee pads are a good solution, bubble wrap is a worthy alternative — and a lot cheaper. Take a sheet of heavy-duty bubble wrap and place it underneath each knee. The layer of cushioning will take the pressure off your joints, allowing you to work pain-free.

Shape Your Shoes
Shoes without interior support can lose their shape over time. In order to maintain that new shoe look, take a piece of bubble wrap, clump it up, and place it inside the shoe to maintain its shape when it’s not in use. This is particularly useful for long boots. You can line the entire leg with pieces of bubble wrap, which will keep them looking sturdy, new, and wrinkle-free.
Featured Image Credit: RichLegg/ iStock